2022's Summit was an absolute blast! We had so much fun getting to more closely interact and communicate with our community. With a much more closed in and intimate environment we got the chance to get more closely analyze and work with everyone in attendance. As much as we loved 2021's conference style with the big stage and lights we felt it was time to get up close and personal.
With COVID being at more of standstill it just felt right. We had some speakers that were the same as last year and some that were new this year. Opening us up was Julie Dale, she absolute brought the house down with her speech that helped people learn when and why to take action. Next up we had Brian Bogert, and if you don't know Brian, you need to. He made us laugh he made us cry and helped us rip away our armor so that we could become a soft place to land. Follow Brian we had Bob Tierney teach us the value of buy the ring. The importance of making commitments that at the time might seem outside of our scope of possibility but are entirely necessary. We then had a few breakout sessions to help answer peoples questions and give them the opportunity to stretch their legs. As day 1 concluded we all were feeling the excitement for day 2.
Day 2 opened with a powerful story from one of our long time members Drew Dugan. We learned the story of the song prevail and why Drew prevails no matter the obstacle. Next up was Dr. Eileen Gallagher herself, she brought the heat as she taught the importance of learning when to change and why it is important even though it may be weird. In the afternoon we once again had Dan Hoyt join us on stage to give us a concept that changed the was we saw life. He spoke about rebirth and the idea that although we are reborn our past selves still hold us back. Next we celebrated our mastermind members as we gave them the mastermind constitution and their mastermind badges with their personal number. After a quick podcast recording George Bryant rocked the house with his idea of speak to people not machines. After a quick trip to Boulder Country Club we called it a night and geared up for our heavy hitters on day 3.
Day 3 started loud and proud with Ben and Natalia Harris as they spoke to us about the importance of working as a team within and around your own family. They have become two rockstars in the Las Vegas real estate market and wanted to share their learnings with us. Next up was out very own Cayla Kimble with how having a child has changed the way she lives life and the ups, downs and mindset. shifts that have come alongside it. For our afternoon we welcomed RENATUS founder Bob Snyder to the stage to speak about how we are all playing small and need to amp up our game in order to succeed where everyone else fails. Finally closing this three day adventure was Sharon Lechter with her speech on the power of accusation. This powerful concept was a perfect way to close us out because we all realized how special and loving our community is. Thank you to everyone for attending, we had a blast and hope you did to. We will see you in 2023 for yet another incredible year!